A pain free life is just around the corner.

A cutting edge, scientific approach to curing chronic pain.

Chronic pain is only chronic because the root cause has not yet been identified. At the Chronic Pain Clinic, we identity the factors driving your persistent symptoms and use cutting-edge therapeutic approaches to kick-start your recovery.

Whilst you may have been told otherwise, your pain is not forever and no longer has to define you.

Meet Gigi:

The Pain Practitioner

Are you tired of living with constant pain? Do you feel like you've tried everything without finding relief? You're not alone.

Having been diagnosed with multiple chronic diseases, including PoTS, fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis, I fully empathise with the impacts of chronic pain on being able to function in everyday life.

Now fully recovered, it’s my mission to help others reclaim their lives.

Recovery talks with Nicole Sachs.

I am thrilled to be a part of Nicole Sachs' transformative 'The Cure For Chronic Pain' group, where science-driven approaches have been pioneered to greater understand the mind-body connection and overcome chronic pain.

Listen here to my discussion with the wonderful Nicole on The Cure for Chronic Pain podcast, where I discuss my symptoms and recovery in addition to exploring what it means to reconcile new neuro-scientific concepts with the current Western medical system.

To visit The Cure for Chronic Pain website directly, please click here:

Testimonials of the Month


In only two and a half months of working with Gigi my symptoms have reduced significantly to the point that I’ve had less frequency, no urgency and periods (up to ten days at a time) of complete and total symptom elimination.

This is utterly astounding after 15 years of daily struggle and no symptom relief at all.

I cannot over-emphasise how much her knowledge, guidance, support, empathy and encouragement have changed my life in an incredibly short period of time…


…She is always there for me and when there are challenging times, because recovery is not linear, she explains what’s happening to me, shows me what I can learn from it, and reassures me that I’ll be stronger coming out of the other side of it. I always am.

I am seeing and feeling the results for myself. There is no mistaking it, I am getting better! I will never be able to adequately express my gratitude to Gigi for what she has given and continues to give me. I feel excited for my future for the first time in a very long time.

— Kate (Overactive Bladder Syndrome)

- Courtney (PoTS)

At a time when I desperately needed one, Gigi was my beacon of hope, my supplementor of confidence, and my gifter of empathy. With a POTS diagnosis and the acute symptoms to match, I was in a place of frustration, anger, and so much sadness when I first met her. She was so sure I’d get better and I was, let’s just say, not as sure.

 Through her gentle encouragement and thoughtful guidance, Gigi has helped give me my life back  - and a better one at that. With more care, curiosity, and confidence. I feel so much better!! I cannot stress this enough… I went from my symptoms preventing me from leaving the apartment, socializing with others, etc. to being almost completely symptom-free (and I intend for that to read “completely symptom-free” in the near future).

 Throughout our time together, I learned so much from Gigi’s scientific explanations of my symptoms (and her willingness to repeat them every time I asked for a reminder), her thoughtful and fun analogies as I practiced new tools, her persistent care and patience in the moments that felt so exhausting and helpless, and her insistence on celebrating the wins even when they felt small.

 Gigi is an incredible teacher, coach, and friend. I am so grateful to have met her and worked with her! I cannot recommend her enough!!

Do you suffer from:

  • Back Pain

  • Tension Headaches / Migraines

  • Interstitial Cystitis

  • PoTS/ Dizziness

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Fatigue

Does This Sound like You:

  • Have a lot of responsibility placed on your shoulders

  • Call yourself a perfectionist

  • Put pressure on yourself to be liked

  • Are hard on yourself

  • Find difficulty in letting go

    *For a full list, please refer to our ‘Conditions Treated’ webpage.

Let’s work together.

As a health coach with a Biological Sciences degree from Oxford University, I am committed to using the latest neuroscience to help clients recover from their persistent symptoms and chronic pain.

My training under Professor Howard Schubiner and Hal Greenham enables my programme to utilise a client-specific combination of treatment modalities including aspects of Pain Reprocessing Therapy, Emotional Awareness Expression (EAET) therapy, and Internal Family System (IFS) therapy. Using these approaches clients will become able to determine the factors contributing to their pain and become empowered to take charge in their healing journey.